Athlete Of The Month Profile.
Name: Lynn Joiner
Age: 79 on Sept. 7th
Occupation: Retired school administrative assistantr
Which class do you usually attend? I always attend the 5:30 class
Favorite Lift: deadlift
How long have you been CrossFitting? Since December of 13 or 14.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? My strength has increased and I am much more fit than I was just going to a gym.
What is one thing you’ve done at the gym that you never thought you could do? The split jerk! I still don’t do it well but I do it!!
Name one goal/personal achievement that you would like to achieve through CrossFit? I goal is to stay strong enough to continue packing the the high country with my mules.
Any advice for new members? Be consistent and don’t try to lift to much weight,
Athlete Of The Month
August 2019