Friday, August 10th, 2018

CrossFit Feral – NW – CrossFit

– Strength: Today we’ll perform a strength giant-set where we’ll go through 3 movements for the upper-body resting after all 3 are complete.
– Metcon: We are looking for sustained efforts throughout around 75-80% effort. These are mainly local movements that will fatigue quickly if you’re not smart about breaking your sets.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Tabata Double Unders/Dub Attempts

Then, spend 10 minutes warming up the WOD movements, doing 2-5 reps per movement:

Pull-ups/Jumping Pull-ups


Air Squats

1 Rope Climb/RC scaling


4 Rounds of:

9 Inverted Rows (supinated grip)

7 Bar Dips (partner assisted or scale to DB Bench Press)

5 Ultra Wide Grip Strict Pull-ups (partner assisted if needed)

Rest 2:00 between rounds.


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)


1 Rope Climbs

30/20 Push-ups

60 Double Unders

Rest 2:00


1 Rope Climb

20 Air Squats

200m Run

Rx+:(Legless Rope Climbs) (Alt. Pistols in place of Air Squats)

L2: (5 Strict Band Assisted Pull-ups per Rope Climb) (Box Push-ups) (60s Double Under Attempts) (7 Ring Rows per Rope Climb)

L1: (10 Ring Rows per Rope Climb) (Box Push-ups) (Single Unders)


1a) Barbell Curls: 3 x 15. rest 10s.

1b) DB Rollback Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12-15. Rest 10s.

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