Happy Birthday Monsta & Viviyan!!!


Member Mash Early Registration is now open and runs through 9/26 (all payments will be processed or are due 9/26). If you have questions just ask a coach. Register here…


The Feral Fitness Challenge kicks off on Saturday 9/22 and will run through Thanksgiving EVE, just in time to enjoy your favorite holiday dishes. You may join up until the start day and payment for this one ($12) is due at time of registration. Use the link for for information and to get signed up…


CrossFit Feral – NW – CrossFit

– Metcon: Benchmark workout with a fair amount of work in 2 rounds. Be smart and don’t hit failure with your push-ups; break your sets strategically. 80% effort.


Warm-up (No Measure)

“Powerwalk Races”

Set up in rows as you would for a dynamic warmup. Coach calls “3-2-1-go,” and each “walker” leaves their mark. They “race” down and back and upon return, they high-five the person behind them in line, and that person takes off.

Then with the Remaining time:

Dynamic Warm-up


EMOM – Dips & DUs (AMRAP – Reps)

Every 1 min for 10 mins do:

Ring Dips Men=5, Women=3

30 Double Unders


Men = 10 ring dips

Women = 7 ring dips


BP “New Workout Plan” (Time)

2 RFT (25:00 cap):

75 Air Squats

50 Push-ups

25 T2B

800m Run

Rx+:(50 Alt. Pistols each round in place of Air Squats)

L2: (50 Air Squats) (30 Box Push-ups) (Knee Lifts)

L1: (35 Air Squats) (15 Box Push-ups) (Abmat Sit-ups) (400-600m Run)


Barbell Curls: 3 x 10. Rest 60s.

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