Athlete Of The Month Profile.
Name: Kelley Walker
Age: 50
Occupation: CHP Officer
Which class do you usually attend? 6:30pm
Favorite WOD:Diane, which is Deadlifts and Handstand push ups
Favorite Lift: Clean and Jerk
How long have you been CrossFitting? 5 years this past December.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I’m able to maintain my strength along with Endurance. I don’t have to choose between one or the other. I like the fact that I can workout with my wife and do the same workout..
What is one thing you’ve done at the gym that you never thought you could do? Put 250lbs over my head, also 50 double unders unbroken.
Name one goal/personal achievement that you would like to achieve through CrossFit? RING MUSCLE UP. I have been trying to get one for 5 years!!!! Lol
Any advice for new members? Don’t be intimidated, be patient and check your ego at the door.
Athlete Of The Month
July 2019