Athletes Of The Month Profile.
Name: Nick & Carrie Bradford
Ages: Nick 40 / Carrie 42
Occupations: Nick: Insurance Agent / Carrie: Sheriffs Aide
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30 pm
Favorite WOD(s):As long as it doesn’t have thrusters or overhead squats we like it. Those two are still a challenge for us but we are getting better.
Favorite Lift(s): Power Cleans & Push Jerks
How long have you both been doing CrossFit?: Roughly 8 months
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I thought I was in semi good shape until I started at CrossFit Feral. The intensity of the workouts and how helpful everyone in the Box is with questions has really gotten us pointed in the right direction with the workouts as well as helping us keep out diet on point. Plus, getting to work out together and seeing each other’s improvement has also been awesome.
What is one thing you’ve done at the gym that you never thought you could do?: Definitely the Murph, pushing ourselves to complete was a great feeling and let’s us know we can keep going.
Name one goal/personal achievement that you’d like to achieve through Crossfit(either a goal together, or 2 separate goals):
Carrie: For me it’s always been a goal of mine to be physically fit and comfortable with myself. I’m loving that at my older age I finally have the determination to get to where I want to be with the help and encouragement of CrossFit.
Nick: Wants to master a bar muscle up
What advice would you give to new members?: I would say just to stick with it and ask questions. Don’t be intimidated with the terms and different lifts, just jump in and it give it your best.
Athletes Of The Month
June 2019