Athlete Of The Month Profile.
Name: Joshua Howard
Age: 13
Name of School and which grade: Chipman Junior High, 8th grade
Which class do you usually attend? PM classes
Favorite WOD:Murph
Favorite Lift: Any kind of squat
How long have you been doing Crossfit?: Almost 3 years
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I’ve found my sport. It’s given me satisfaction, and I feel stronger and respected.
What is one thing you’ve done at the gym that you never thought you could do?: I expected double unders and hand stand push ups would take me longer to learn than it did.
Name one goal/personal achievement that you would like to achieve through CrossFit? I’d love to learn bar muscle ups and to gain more muscle.
Any advice for new members? Make your desire to grow as an athlete bigger than the temptation to stay home.
Athlete Of The Month
May 2019