Athlete Of The Month Profile.
Name: Rose Johnson
Age: 46
Occupation: Manager at Starbucks
Which class do you usually attend? Usually 4:25am. I do miss the 4:30pm class, it’s just too hot for me.
Favorite WOD: Anything that doesn’t involve snatching! I actually love the new box programming, it mixes things up and keeps it exciting.
Favorite Lift: Bench press and back squats.
How long have you been CrossFitting? I joined at the end of October last year.
What keeps you coming back? The people. I love working out and how it makes me feel but it’s the people I love the most. They are the ones cheering you on or pushing further than you thought you could go. Making friends that not only encourage you but hold you accountable. Valerie is the best at pushing me, she sneak weights on so I don’t focus how much I’m lifting. Thanks to to her I’ve gotten several new PR’s I didn’t think were possible.
How did you find CrossFit? I was looking for a way to help Richard get into shape to join the Navy. I reached out to Gary and he suggested CrossFit. I didn’t join when Richard did because I knew this was something he needed to do on his own. Once he was close to his goal I decided to join.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I’ve been going to globo gyms forever without any significant results.
What is the One Thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? Rope climbs. I finally did my first one last month, no more burpees for me on my Spartan races!
Name one goal/personal achievement that you would like to achieve through CrossFit? Someday I’d like to be able to do a muscle up. CrossFit has already helped me achieve so many first, I just want to continue to get better.
Any advice for new members? CrossFit was very intimidating to me at first, all the movements sounded the same and seemed impossible. Just have faith in yourself and the coaches. There’s no better feeling than completing a workout and looking at everyone around you and knowing you all survived!
Athlete Of The Month
September 2018