Athlete Of The Month Profile.
Name:Jordyn Sons-Graham
Age: 20
Occupation:Undergraduate Biology Student at CSUB
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30 am class
Favorite WOD: Anything with power cleans or front squats!
Favorite Lift:Power Cleans
How long have you been CrossFitting?I’ve been CrossFitting for just over a year. I joined at the beginning of September last year.
What keeps you coming back?Progress, accountability, and friendships! Being able to see and feel myself making progress is what drives me and keeps me going. But obviously the people and the friendships are what really make the CrossFit experience. I like being held accountable and feeling like i have to show up to class every morning, not just because I need to but also because I actually enjoy going! I love my 4:30 am people, and it’s awesome to be able to see everyone else achieve their goals while I suffer alongside them
for that short hour.
How did you find CrossFit? Through my family. I had known about Carrie W., my aunt’s sister (so technically not my aunt, but still family), doing CrossFit for years before I mustered up the courage to join. I started my fitness journey at In-Shape but quickly realized it wasn’t what I wanted, so that’s when I asked Carrie to sign
me up.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? So much has changed! Everything from making better nutritional choices to being more social in day-to-day life. Being a part of this community is extremely inspiring, and not just in the box. It helps me not quit in school (college is hard) and influences the decisions I make throughout the day that I know might affect me during the workout the next morning. In terms of my level of fitness, it has improved dramatically. Although I still have a long way to go, I have never felt this strong and healthy.
What is the One Thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? I definitely never thought I could compete, but I ended up competing in Member Mash this October. It was super fun, even though I was extremely nervous, and I look forward to future competitions!
Name one goal/personal achievement that you would like to achieve through CrossFit?One goal that I have is that I want to be able to lift my own body weight in every movement that we do. I’ve already achieved this goal in back squats, front squats, and deadlifts, but have quite a ways to go for snatches, overhead squats,
clean and jerks, etc.
Any advice for new members?The only way to get better is to practice. Don’t skip the gym just because your least favorite movement is programmed for that day. Do the best you can and utilize the coaches and their knowledge while you’re there!
Athlete Of The Month
December 2018