Saturday, June 22, 2019

CrossFit Feral – NW – CrossFit



Using our recent wave scheme (below) build to a moderately heavy load, followed by a build to a heavy 3-Rep (10:00) for the day. All repetitions come from the rack.

Not for time, resting 1:30-2:00 between sets:

3 Reps @ 60%, 1 Rep @ 70%

3 Reps @ 65%, 1 Rep @ 75%

3 Reps @ 70%, 1 Rep @ 80%


Using our recent wave scheme (below) build to a moderately heavy load, followed by a build to a heavy 3-Rep (10:00) for the day. All repetitions come from the rack.

Not for time, resting 1:30-2:00 between sets:

3 Reps @ 60%, 1 Rep @ 70%

3 Reps @ 65%, 1 Rep @ 75%

3 Reps @ 70%, 1 Rep @ 80%

Warm-up (No Measure)

Males – 21-15-9: Calorie Assault Bike or Row

Females – 15-12-9 Calorie Assault Bike or Row

After each round, where we aim to grow intensity, complete:

3 Spiderman + Reaches (each)

6 Good Mornings

6 Back Squats

3 Walkouts

6 Strict Presses

6 Front Squats

(Empty Barbell)

2 Rounds:

10 Hollow Rocks

:15s Superman Static Hold

10 Pausing Glute Bridges

:15s Handstand Hold Stretch

1 Set:

1:00 Front Rack Stretch

1:00 Wrist Stretch

Front Squat (Heavy 3-rep)

The Amazing Grace (Time)

75 Power C&J for time (with buy in and on a work/rest clock):

2:00 Work, 1:00 Rest

9 Wallballs (20/14)

9/7 Calorie Row

Max Clean and Jerks (115/80)

RX+: (30/20), (7/5 Cal Bike), (135/95)

This workout is 75 clean and jerks for time, where athletes must work inside the confines of 2:00 on, 1:00 off for three rounds, and then have a final 3:00 interval as round #4. And to start each round, we have a “buy-in”, of wallballs and a calorie row/bike. This will challenge our conditioning for the clean and jerk cycling.

Written out, it looks as follows:

Mins 1+2 – Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.

Min 3 – Rest

Mins 4+5 – Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.

Min 6 – Rest

Mins 7+8 – Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.

Min 9 – Rest

Mins 10+11+12 – Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.

For any clean and jerks remaining at the 12:00 time cap, add :01s to the total.

Stimulus wise, we are looking for an unbroken set of wallballs and a hard paced bike. We are looking to clear the two “buy-in” movements by the 1:00 mark at the latest. If we feel we will not clear these throws and bike calories by that time, let’s dial back the volume a bit to ensure we are making our way to the barbell.

On the barbell, we are looking for a a moderate, if not slightly “light” clean and jerk barbell. One that we could cycle for near 20 reps unbroken, when fresh. Inside the workout, we are looking for a barbell that we could cycle for reps, in each interval. Lighter is better here.



30 Minute AMRAP, Teams of 3:

7/5 cal Assault Bike

10 Medball Squat Jumps 20/14

5 power clean&jerks

1st 6 rnds- 95/65

2nd 6 rnds- 115/85

3rd 6 rnds- 135/95

4th 6 rnds- 155/105

Partners cycle through full rounds, one at a time. The weight climbs every 6 rounds, so weight goes up after each athlete completes 2 rounds at a weight. Score is full rounds+reps.

If you get passed the 4th weight, add weight (20lbs/10lbs)

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