Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

CrossFit Feral – NW – CrossFit

– Strength: Use your Jerk max from 7/27 or a moderate weight for all 6 sets. The goal is to be efficient/fast today. You’ll see these for the next 3 weeks.
– Each AMRAP is short but fatigue will set in quickly if you’re not smart as there is only 60s rest between AMRAPs. Try to sustain around 85-90% for each AMRAP.


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets of:

15 Banded Pushdowns

15 Banded Pulldowns

Then with an empty barbell:

10 Barbell Rows

8 Strict Press

6 Barbell Curls

4 Push Press

Rest 30s + Talk About Jerk Technique


2-3 sets Jerks.


Both Split Jerk and Push Jerk are available to score for purposes of knowing your history. Choose accordingly.

1): Split Jerk (6×3 @ 70-75%)

– every 90 seconds

– use moderate weight if no history

– reset each rep (not touch n go)

1): Push Jerk (6×3 @ 70-75%)

– every 90 seconds

– use moderate weight if no history

– reset each rep (not touch n go)

2): Seated DB Press (3×8-10)

– neutral grip

– rest 30s

– 20-25 banded pulldowns between sets


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)


Max Calories Row

Rest 60s


Max Calories Bike

Rest 60s


Max Clean and Jerks (115, 75)

RX+: (135, 95)

L2: (95, 65)

L1: (75, 55)

Beginner Options:

Clean + Jerks: DB Thrusters (light)

*Score = total reps



Partner Specials 3xMax reps

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