Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Member Mash Early Registration is now open and runs through 9/26 (all payments will be processed or are due 9/26). If you have questions just ask a coach. Register here…


Just one more week to get in on the Feral Fitness Challenge. Weight & Measurements to be taken next weekend! Use the link for more information and to get signed up…


CrossFit Feral – NW – CrossFit

– Strength: Today’s gymnastics superset entails ”sub-maximal” work meaning you’ll stop 1-2 reps shy of failure for each set of HSPU and strict pull-ups. Keep track of your volume for each set. We’ll perform work for the next 3-weeks geared improving gymnastics local muscle endurance.
– Metcon: The goal of today’s metcon is 75% (sustainable) effort for all rounds. Start with an easy pace that you know you can maintain and work on maintaining that for the entire 12 minutes. DB Snatch should be light.


Warm-up (No Measure)

400 Meter Jog then,



Alt. DB Snatch

*10s Elbow Plank after each set.


prepare for strength work.


Week 1 of Gymnastics Endurance

1): Handstand Push-ups (3 X SubMax)

– rest 45s between sets

– submaximal = 1-3 reps shy of failure

– RX+ = strict

– beginner = box push-ups

2): Max Effort Strict Pull-ups (3 X SubMax)

– rest 45s between sets

– submaximal = 1-3 reps shy of failure

Set #1: Wide Grip, Pronated

Set #2: Shd width Grip, Supinated Grip

Set #3: Close Grip Supinated Grip

*Beginner: Partner Assisted


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 Alt. DB Snatch (50, 35) (total)

10 Burpees

200 Meter Run

Rx+:(3/2 Bar Muscle-ups each round before the DB Snatches)

L3: (45, 25)

L2: (35, 20)

L1: (30, 15)

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