Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Member Mash Early Registration is now open and runs through 9/26 (all payments will be processed or are due 9/26). If you have questions just ask a coach. Register here…

Just one more week to get in on the Feral Fitness Challenge. Weight & Measurements to be taken next weekend! Use the link for more information and to get signed up…

CrossFit Feral – NW – CrossFit

– Metcon: Today can be as challenging as you’d like to make it; if you’re sore take it easy and row at a moderate pace (60%). If you haven’t trained more than twice already this week push your intervals with the goal of beating your previous set each time. Today is also a good workout to workout improving your Double under efficiency. Go for your biggest UB set.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Tabata: 8 x 20s work/10s rest

#1) Single Unders

#2) Hollow Rocks

#3) Foam Rolling

– Set #1: IT Bands Right

– Set #2: IT Bands Left

– Set #3: Thoracic Spine

– Set #4: Lats Right

– Set #5: Lats Left

– Set #6: Quads Left

– Set #7: Quads Right

– Set #8: Thoracic Spine


Metcon (Distance)

In a 30 minutes with a partner:

400 Double Unders

Remaining time: Max Distance on the Rower

*Score = total distance completed

RX+: Max Distance on Bike

L2: (Double Under Attempts)

L1: (Single Unders)


4 Rounds of 30s work/30s rest:

1a) Side Plank (15s each)

1b) Banded Pull-aparts x Max Reps

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